Friday, May 14, 2010

Diet Coke and Mentos

This the Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment.
Mr Olson made this happen yesterday:

This experiment includes:
  • Diet Coke
  • Mentos (about 4-5): Mint, not fruity because fruity ones have a fruity flavoring coating that slows the reaction
The mentos causes the carbonated diet coke to explode

Then i got to drink the rest of the coke :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chem Standards Blog Post

My Standard is to for students to know:
  1. where to locate alkali metals
  2. where to locate alkali earth metals
  3. where to locate transitional metals
  4. trends in ionization energy
  5. trends in electronegativity
  6. the relative sizes of atoms

The periodic table is split into columns (family) and rows (groups).
Almost each column has a specific name albeit the transitional metals.
  • Group 1: Alkali Metals
  • Group 2: Alkali Earth Metals
  • Group 3-12: Transitional Metals
  • Group 13-16: No Specific Name
  • Group 17: Halogens
  • Group 18: Noble Gases

Ionization Energy is the energy required to remove the outermost electron
Electronegativity is electron-greediness

Both increase as as atoms become smaller (going up and towards the right)

Atoms increase in size as the periodic table moves right.
As it reaches the end of a row, it moves onto the next row, and the mass of each atom increases.

Here are two Videos:
  1. How to identify Groups of the Periodic Table
  2. What is Ionization Energy, Electronegativity and Atomic Radius

Thanks for your attention! =]

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mini Project 3 - Milk and Food Coloring

Today we had a fun artistic project.
We got to observe the motions of food coloring dispersing over a pan of milk.

  • Milk
  • Different Colored Food Coloring
  • A container to hold milk in

Like the motion of gas molecules, the food coloring slowly moves away from the area it first came in contact with the milk.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mini Blog Post 2 - Making PlayDo

We had fun making PlayDoh in class!
We used these materials:
  • water
  • flour
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • food coloring

dont worry i didnt throw it 8D

After mixing our batter of ingredients, we heated it.
the heat helps a chemical reaction to form, turning our materials into home-made playdoh.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rock Candy

We learned about rock candy and how to make it!
Apparently, its just crystals!

All you have to do is used super-saturated sugar water.
That will form edible crystals that make up rock candy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mills Canyon Field Trip

On April 29, 2010, Thursday, Mr. Olson's chemistry classes took a field trip to Mills Canyon. It was very fun! We got time out of school to hang out with friends as well as interact with nature and to learn things. We should really do more of these activities! We could do without assignments pertaining to the trip tho. ;)

This is a map:

View Mills Canyon Field Trip in a larger map

It is really worth going on your free time!

PHOTOCREDITS: Mr. Olson, Kevin Mo :D

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mini Project 1 - Sticking Toothpicks in Balloons

Today, i did something cool.
I stuck a toothpick into a balloon...without it breaking!!!
It was great how i got it on the first try :D
I drew a face on it!
Doesn't it look like hassam? :3

PHOTOCREDITS: Michael Zeichick

It's really easy to do!
Here's what i did:
  1. Put petroleum gel on the thickest part of the balloon (the tip)
  2. Lubricate the toothpick with gel too
  3. Slowly twist and turn the toothpick until it goes through into the balloon

The gel keeps the rubber from expanding and unwrapping. As the toothpick is inserted, it causes the gel on the sides of the toothpick to rub off onto the rubber that was just penetrated, allowing the gel to cover all of the hole, keeping it together.