Thursday, August 20, 2009

Penny Lab

Any1 here like gold!?!?!?
Well did u know u can turn ur useless pennys into gold?
Atleast the coating....
all u need is some zinc and sodium chloride and LOTSA FIREEEEEEEE!!
well anyways its a cool thing to do with ur free time so google up the instructions and try it out!

My Goals

Sup people reading this... this is my first post and first time blogging.
So in this blog imma talk bout my goals.
Right now im living in the US and am in highschool.
So my biggest short term goals r getting good grades (4.0+) and graduating.
Then, of course i wanna get off to college!
im not really a planner and dont really have an idea on long term goals...but i definately know i atleast wanna get to Berkeley when i graduate and graduate college with more than just a BS (or BA depending on what i choose l8r on)
happy readings =)