Friday, October 23, 2009

FIREEEE!!! and lotsa pretty colors xD

so this week we messed with FIRE
and lotsa different elements!
it made l0tsa different colors
i recommend, on ur free time, burn stuff and look at all the colors

Friday, October 16, 2009

in chem class, theres a lot to say
so since theres so much to say, im not gonna write anything bout it! xD
one of my greatest passions is posting on this blog which no1 ever reads o_o

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ever wonder wut radioactivity is? Ever heard of the term half-life?
well, its actually rly interesting and i no now, but im nvr gonna tell u! xD

Sunday, October 4, 2009

u ever hear ppl talkin bout 'gamma rays' or stuff like that?
ever wonder wut radiation is?
well guess wut, I KNOW AND IM NVR GONNA TELL U x3